Nandan arts



The base will be in East London. Most contents will be produced throughout London where there is a high concentration of ethnic minority population.
The children in our minority community face drawbacks in learning things because they are not enjoying the experience of learning. It is difficult for them to focus when elements of fun and excitement are not in their learning experience. Our organization is set up to address those drawbacks and make learning more attractive to the community’s children.
Alongside the Bengali language, we would like to teach traditional and religious values through drama, cartoons, poetry, songs, literature, film, documentaries, and many more entertaining media to instill those values into young learners. We want to capture a wide variety of educational topics in Bangladesh.

Aims & Objective

Nandan Arts looks to preserve Bangladesh’s cultural, traditional, identity through independently created artistic work. We want our work to reach every household and enrich children, as well as older audiences of all ages, by delivering them educational work on Bengali values.

We will be implementing formal education activities through various programs and encouraging people and their children to enjoy poetry, songs, books, and dramatic plays. If we can keep our audience and the children in cultural activities, we can deter them from bad influences such as knife crime, drugs, vandalism, or anti-social crimes. For older adults, there will be programs designed to enhance their agricultural knowledge and help with farming activities.

The various programs will not just educate the viewers but also bring social awareness on issues, such as the dangers of smoking or drug use. We intend to promote our activity to the community with booklets, news magazines, posters, banners, cards, calendars short films, social media, and various mass media.

Through our news agencies, TV channels, daily newspapers, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, and quarterly publications we look to contribute to the development of society, and elimination of inequalities, religion, and caste discrimination.


For the future generation who can speak Bengali, but do not know much about Bengali history, traditions, or religions, we’d like to bring to them education on the rich Bengal culture.

Nandan Arts

43 1st Floor Mile End Road, London E1 4tt

General Enquiries

Tel: 07930365567